Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Ga. City Hires Genesis For Health Trust
The City of Covington (Ga.) has hired Genesis Employee Benefits as non-discretionary investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
NYC Authority Issues Investment Advisor RFP
The Battery Park City Authority has issued an RFP for investment advisory services. The New
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Lextran Pension Fund Rehires RiverPoint
The Transit Authority of Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (Ky.) has rehired RiverPoint
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Colorado County Issues Investment Advisor RFP
Garfield County (Colo.) has issued an RFP for investment advisor services for its approximately
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Pa. Borough Police Plan Seeking Investment Consultant
The $5 million Yeadon Borough (Pa.) Police Pension Plan has issued an RFP for pension investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Five Illinois Villages Issue Joint Investment Advisor RFP
The Villages of Algonquin, Fox River Grove, Grayslake, Gurnee and Volo in Illinois have issued a
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Florida City Issues Investment Manager RFP
The City of Doral (Fla.) has issued an RFP for fixed-income investment management services. The
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Virginia Port Authority Seeking Investment Advisor
The Virginia Port Authority has issued an RFP seeking managers to provide investment advisory
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Florida City Issues Investment Advisor RFP
The City of Hallandale Beach (Fla.) has issued an RFP for investment advisory services. The city
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mo. School District Chooses PFM As Bond Manager
The Rockwood School District (Mo.) has selected PFM Asset Management to provide investment