Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Florida School Board Re-Ups With PFM
The School Board of Seminole County (Fla.) rehired PFM Asset Management to handle investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
NJ Corporation Issues Investment Management RFQ
The Newark (N.J.) Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation has issued an RFQ seeking
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Canadian Town Seeking Investment Manager
The Town of Kentville (Nova Scotia, Canada) has issued an RFP seeking investment management
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Calif. City Seeking Investment Advisor
The City of Banning (Calif.) has issued an RFP for a firm to provide investment advisory services
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Calif. City Taps First Investment Manager
The City of San Clemente (Calif.) City Council voted in favor of hiring Chandler Asset Management
Alternatives Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
San Luis Obispo Ponders Risk Diversified Assets
The $1.1 billion San Luis Obispo County (Calif.) Pension Trust is exploring risk-diversified asset
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Reading Police Hires SEI
The $71 million Reading (Pa.) Police Pension Fund has hired SEI Investments to provide investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Illinois Police Plan Seeking Investment Managers
The $30 million Highland Park (Ill.) Police Pension Fund has issued an RFP for investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Odessa Firefighters Opts Against Consultant Hire
The $42 million Odessa (Texas) Firefighters’ Relief and Retirement Fund selected Westwood Group to
Real Assets Non-U.S. & Global Equity Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Maryland Plan Considering GTAA, Commodities Searches
The $73 million City of Rockville (Md.) Pension Fund will decide at its Nov. 15 board meeting on