Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Texans Approve Creation Of Endowment Fund For Emerging Research Universities

Texas citizens approved Texas Proposition 5 to create the Texas University Fund and provide funding to some higher education institutions with nearly two-thirds of voters voting in favor of the constitutional amendment.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest State Agency Searching For Advisor

The agency is searching for a financial and investment advisor for its student loan program.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southeast Deferred Compensation Plans Post Investment Advisor RFP

City is seeking investment advisory services on behalf of its $4.2 million 457 and $6.1 million 401(a) retirement plans.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western County Seeking Investment Services

The county is seeking services for its up to $100 million in cash and investments.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast City Posts Investment Advisor RFP

The city council expects to award a contract at its Jan. 22 meeting.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Northeast Authority Taps Investment Advisor

The authority launched a search in May for its investment portfolio.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Texas County Seeking Investment Services

The county has issued an RFSQ for broker-dealer investment services.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast City Seeking Investment Management, Advisory Services

The city maintains a $157 million investment portfolio of operating and capital funds.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Northeast College Savings Plan Seeks Investment Manager

The 529 plan has issued an RFP seeking an investment manager due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent manager, which has been providing the services since 2003.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southeast Housing Authority Issues Investment Advisor RFP

The investment advisor will serve for a three-year term.
