The plan made a hire in its search seeking investment management services for proceeds of a $60 million bond sale.
The county expects to award a contract between May and June.
The town is seeking investment advisory services for its surplus funds.
Authority is seeking investment consulting and advisory services for its $1.2 billion in operating and bond portfolio assets.
The plan’s incumbent manager was first hired in 2004.
The university selected its incumbent investment manager over two other finalists in a search launched in the third quarter.
The advisor will be responsible for $187 million in non-pension assets.
The district expects to sign a contract on April 19.
The university has selected a firm to provide investment advisory, management, custodial and reporting services for up to approximately $6 million of its endowment initially following a search from the second quarter.
The plan made a hire in its search for an investment manager last summer after its incumbent resigned.