The board of trustees of a university in New England recently approved a new set of ethical investment principles to guide the institution’s decisions concerning companies producing fossil fuels within its endowment.
A hospital system in the South has issued an RFP seeking firms to manage internal portfolios in accordance with its investment policy.
A nonprofit in the Southwest has issued an RFQ to solicit quotes to establish a contract with an investment manager for its investment portfolio.
A Rocky Mountain county has issued an RFQ seeking advisory services for its 457(b) and post-employment health reimbursement account plans.
A plan based in the Midwest has issued an RFP seeking a program manager for its new investment account.
A Midwestern city has reopened its search for a firm to manage its investment portfolio.
An Oregon city is searching for a firm to manage its general portfolio and project funds.
The plan is seeking a firm to provide non-discretionary management services for its newly created private credit portfolio.
The town is searching for firms to manage a total of $43 million.
A city in Texas is searching for a firm to provide discretionary and non-discretionary management for its portfolio.