Non-U.S. & Global Equity

Value Investors Can Focus On More Than Small-Cap Stocks: Alpha Architect

Investors favoring value investing do not need to only focus on small-cap stocks to access the value premium via long-only portfolios, new academic research finds.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Plan To Launch Int’l Equity, REIT Mgr. Searches

The searches will go live on May 2.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Calif. County Names EME Finalists

Plan staff and general investment consultant Verus will conduct on-site due diligence of the four firms.

Passive Equity
Calif. Plan Hires Passive Int’l Equity Mgr.; To Lose Investment Officer

The plan hired a passive international equity manager in an effort to implement a hedging program and will see their first investment officer depart next week.

Midwest Plan Adds Commitments

Plan added infrastructure and private equity buyout commitments at today’s meeting.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Calif. County Replaces Int’l Equity Emerging Mgr.

The plan’s emerging-manager-of-managers is replacing an international equity firm due to a personnel change.

People Moves
Newton Adds EM Equities PM

He will manage global emerging markets and Asian equities strategies.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Plan Hires Int’l Small-Cap Mgrs.

Plan added a pair of managers to split a total of 5% to international small-cap equity.

Credit/Private Debt
Michigan Plan Slates Direct Lending Interviews

Plan will schedule interviews with three direct lending managers after hearing a search report review this week.

Great Plains Fund Divesting From Russian Assets

A fund in the Great Plains region is in the process of divesting its portfolio’s exposure to Russian securities, which are primarily held within its international equity and absolute return portfolios.
