Non-U.S. & Global Equity

Midwest Plan Shakes Up Equity, Fixed-Income Portfolios

A Midwestern plan made several changes to its equity and fixed-income portfolios as part of its transition to a new long-term asset allocation policy.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Windy City Plan Launches Global Low Vol RFP

Plan is seeking global low volatility equity managers to handle a 5% allocation to the asset class.

Domestic Equity
Rocky Mountain Plan Terminates Smid-Cap Core Mgr.

A Rocky Mountain pension plan terminated its domestic small- to mid-cap core equity manager due to underperformance and personnel turnover. 

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Texas Plan Approves EME Search

A Texas pension plan approved a search for a second emerging markets equity manager at this week’s board meeting.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plan Slates Int’l Small-Cap, EME Search

Plan intends to launch a search for emerging markets and international small-cap equity managers to handle allocations of up to 8% each.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Plan Conducting Int’l Small-Cap Mgr. Search; Approves Pacing Plans

A Midwestern pension plan is expected to hire an international small-cap equity manager following a structure review of the asset class.

Private Equity
Northeast Plan Narrows PE FoF, EME Searches

The plan will interview finalists for its diverse private equity fund-of-funds search next month and tentatively selected a winner in its emerging markets equity search.

Calif. County Targets New RE Consultant

The plan’s incumbent real estate consultant did not respond to an RFP issued due to its contract expiration.

Domestic Equity
Southern Plan To Consolidate Passive U.S. Equity Positions

A Southern pension plan will consider a recommendation to consolidate portions of its passive domestic equity portfolio at its board meeting in March.

Industry News
Nonprofit News Special Report: 2021 Traditional Investments Outlook

Nonprofit investors are expecting positive but muted returns from the equity and bond markets in 2021 after their portfolios generated solid performance in a year that upended global financial markets and saw unprecedented volatility.
