A Southern pension plan will conduct four public equity and one general investment consultant searches next year.
A Southwestern pension plan funded a new emerging markets equity emerging manager-of-managers portfolio in October.
A pension plan in the Great Lakes region will hold discussion on an active emerging markets equity manager search next year.
A Midwestern pension plan completed a search for global low volatility equity managers last week.
A Florida city general employees pension plan will interview three international growth equity managers to replace Fisher Investments.
A Florida police officers pension fund replaced an underperforming international equity manager last week.
A Florida police and fire pension fund hired an additional international equity manager at its Nov. 18 board meeting.
A Southern teachers pension plan expects to issue four public equity SFPs and one investment consultant SFP in 2020.
An Illinois pension fund issued an RFP for global equity managers today.
A Florida general employees plan added an international equity manager last month.