Non-U.S. & Global Equity

Calif. Retirement System To Consider New Portfolio Structures

The plan will consider new structures for its infrastructure, non-U.S. equity and real estate portfolios later this week.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Northeast Pension Issues Global Equity RFP

The retirement plan currently has four global equity managers.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Mass. Plan Launches Global Equity Search

Global equity would be a new asset class for the plan.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
New England Pension Approves Global Equity Mgr. Search

The plan is potentially looking to replace its international developed markets equity manager.

Passive Equity
Mid-Atlantic OPEB Plan Shakes Up Equity, Fixed-Income Portfolios

The plan replaced several of its passive mandates with Vanguard Group at yesterday’s board meeting.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Mid-Atlantic Pension Plan Adds Commitments; Terminates Twelve Strategies

The pension plan recently committed approximately $7.4 billion total to six funds and terminated 12 existing strategies.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Northeast Pension Axes Int’l Equity Manager; Makes Commitments

The retirement fund liquidated a $243 million international equity mandate and made commitments totaling $770 million in December.

Southwest Pension Launches Public Equity Manager Search

Retirement system is seeking a pool of managers to provide the services.

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. Retirement System Makes Private Debt Commitment

The commitment is part of the plan’s new portfolio structure, which introduced a 5%, or roughly $500 million, private debt target allocation in November.

Asset Study/Review
Michigan Pension Revamps Asset Allocation

The asset allocation changes resulted in several manager hires and terminations at the retirement system’s November meeting.
