Passive Equity

Passive Equity
New England Plan Seeking Defensive Equity Manager

A pension plan in New England has begun a search for a defensive index equity manager.

Passive Equity
Midwest Deferred Comp. Plan Hires Passive Manager

A Midwestern deferred compensation plan hired a passive manager at its board meeting today.

Mid-Atlantic Plan Shifts Shuttering Firm’s Mandate To Passive Mgmt.

A Mid-Atlantic pension plan addressed the upcoming closure of its active small-cap value manager.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Southwest Plan Axes Emerging Markets Equity Mgr.

A Southwestern pension plan terminated an active emerging markets equity mandate in the first quarter.

Daily Feed
West Coast DC Plan Delays Core Investment, Stable Value RFPs

A city deferred compensation plan on the West Coast has delayed issuance of its core investment and stable value RFPs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 News
Consultants, Nonprofits Discuss Taking Cautious Approach In Preparing For Future Opportunities

Foundations and endowments are taking a cautious approach to the markets and when to capitalize on upcoming investment opportunities the coronavirus pandemic will provide long-term investors.

Southern University Hires New Equity Manager

A Southern University hired a new equity manager at its recent investment committee meeting.

COVID-19 News
Nonprofits’ Outlook Turning Negative Amid Coronavirus Crisis

The outlook for higher education institutions is shifting to negative from stable as a result of the financial impact of the coronavirus outbreak, according to a recent outlook from Moody’s Investors Service.

Searches And Hires Emerging/Diverse Managers Passive Equity
Northeast State Plan Readies Emerging Manager Program RFP

A Northeastern state plan expects to issue its RFP for emerging managers-of-managers next week.

Passive Equity
Midwest Deferred Comp Plan Issues Passive RFP

A deferred compensation plan is seeking passive equity and fixed-income managers.
