Passive Equity

Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Midwest Pension Plan Approves PE Co-Investment Consultant RFP

A Midwestern pension plan will issue an RFP for private equity co-investment consulting services later this month.

Searches And Hires
West Coast 457 To Issue Core Investment, Stable Value Fund RFPs

A West Coast city deferred compensation plan will issue RFPs for core investment managers and a stable value manager.

Domestic Equity
Great Lakes Plan Invests In Defensive Equity Index Fund

A Great Lakes-based pension plan has invested in a defensive equity index fund.

Passive Equity
Northeast Plan Posts Passive Large-Cap Equity RFPs

A Northeastern pension plan has issued its RFPs for passive domestic large-cap equity managers.

Southern City Pension Board Terminates 6 Mandates

A pension fund in the South has terminated multiple active managers in favor of index funds.

Searches And Hires Passive Equity International / Global / Emerging Markets
West Coast Transit Plan Terminates Non-U.S. Equity Managers

A pension fund in the West Coast has terminated two non-U.S. equity managers in favor of passive management.

Sooner State Plan Terminates Mid-Cap Managers

A Sooner State pension fund terminated two domestic mid-cap equity managers as part of a portfolio restructuring.

Passive Equity
Midwest Deferred Compensation Plan Seeking Passive Managers

A Midwest-based deferred compensation plan is looking for passive equity and fixed-income managers.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Plan To Consider Core Investment, Stable Value RFPs

A deferred compensation plan on the West Coast will consider issuing RFPs for core investment funds and a stable value fund manager.

Passive Equity
Northeast Plan Reissues Passive Manager RFP

A pension fund in the Northeast has reissued its RFP seeking passive investment managers.
