Passive Equity

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Southeast Plan Posts International Equity RFP

A Southeastern pension plan has issued an RFP seeking international value equity managers.

Domestic Equity
Western Deferred Comp Plan To Review Passive Mgr. Replacement Options

A Western deferred compensation plan will review passive manager replacement options next month.

Domestic Equity
Southern Plan Swaps Small-Cap Core Mgrs.

A Southern pension plan made a change in domestic small-cap core equity managers last month.

Passive Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plan Makes Passive Manager Hire; Receives Absolute Return FI Search Report

A pension fund near the Nation’s capital has hired a Standard & Poor’s 500 Index manager and received a recommendation in its absolute return fixed-income search.

Hedge Funds
Midwest Plan Redeems Hedge Fund Portfolio

A Midwestern pension plan has submitted redemptions requests from its hedge fund managers.

Searches And Hires
New England Plan Issues Index Manager RFP

A pension fund in New England has begun a search for passive index managers to handle a total of $90 million in six strategies.

Hedge Funds
West Coast Plan Nearing Emerging Mgr. Hedge Fund RFP; Concludes Passive Equity Search

A West Coast plan will discuss issuing an emerging manager hedge fund RFP and has consolidated its passive equity portfolio with one single firm.

Hedge Funds
Palm Beach Terminates Hedge Fund-of-Funds; Switches S&P 500 Manager

A Florida plan has terminated its hedge fund-of-funds manager and switched index funds.

Domestic Equity
Great Lakes Plan Hires Active Smid-Cap Mgrs.

A pension plan in the Great Lakes region has hired two active domestic small- to mid-cap equity managers last quarter.

Passive Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plan Approves PE Commitments

A county pension fund in the Mid-Atlantic region approved private equity commitments as part of a pacing schedule that will continue to seek special situations and credit opportunity strategies.
