Passive Equity

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Calif. Pension To Consider Non-U.S. Equity Mgr. Hires, New PE Portfolio Structure

The pension plan will consider hiring five non-U.S. equity managers and approving a new private equity portfolio structure this week.

Private Equity
New England Pension Slates PE Secondaries RFP

The plan will target a proposed allocation of $12 million to $18 million for pacing purposes.

Passive Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plans Hire Passive Large-Cap Growth Manager

The plans previously agreed to move their active domestic large-cap growth equity asset class to a passive mandate in December.

Northeast Pension Assumes Assets; Awards Global Bond Mandates

The retirement system has hired four global multi-sector fixed-income and three passive equity managers in recent months.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Northeast Pension Seeks Global Equity, MSCI EAFE Index Managers

The searches stem from a new asset allocation and international equity structure review approved in February.

New England Pension Issues Small-Cap, Index Provider RFPs

The plan is seeking managers to handle a total of $135 million.

Passive Equity
Rocky Mountain Program Approves Passive Equity Search

The search is being conducted to diversify the program’s investment lineup.

Passive Equity
Northeast Pension Begins Passive Manager Searches

The plan is seeking managers to replicate domestic small-cap and mid-cap equity indexes.

Passive Equity
New England Pension Posts Passive Mid-Cap, Small-Cap RFPs

The plan’s current mid-cap and small-cap managers are under review.

Calif. Retirement System Approves New Portfolio Structures

The pension plan approved new structures for its infrastructure, non-U.S. equity and real estate portfolios last week.
