Passive Equity

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Northwest Pension Plan Hires Non-U.S. Equity Manager

The pension plan hired an all-cap core equity manager to handle two mandates within its international equity portfolio yesterday.

Asset Study/Review
Colorado Water Plan Mulls New A/A

The plan recently considered increasing its fixed-income target as part of an asset allocation study.

Domestic Equity
Southern Pension Plan Hires Mid-Cap Growth Manager

The pension plan hired the manager as part of a new domestic equity structure.

Passive Equity
Mid-Atlantic OPEB Plan Shakes Up Equity, Fixed-Income Portfolios

The plan replaced several of its passive mandates with Vanguard Group at yesterday’s board meeting.

Passive Equity
Rocky Mountain Board Swaps Equity, Hedge Fund Managers

The board replaced existing passive domestic equity and hedge fund managers at a meeting last month.

Passive Equity
Rocky Mountain 457 Hires Passive Equity Manager

The plan replaced its domestic all-cap equity manager, which had been on watch since April 2022 due to underperformance.

MRI/Social Investments
Rocky Mountain DC Plans Hire Sustainable Equity Manager

The plans added a sustainable equity manager to their lineup in October after initially receiving an ESG/socially responsible product analysis search book in April.

Nonprofit News Special Report 2024: Traditional Investments Outlook

2023 was supposed to be a down year for foundations and endowments with a potentially recessionary environment, however, equity and bond returns came out in the green, thanks in part to strong fourth quarters, leaving investors and allocators with a more optimistic outlook for their portfolios entering 2024.

Passive Equity
New England Pension Concludes Passive Equity Manager Search

The plan received three responses to a passive equity manager RFP issued in August.

Passive Equity
Midwest Plan Launches Passive Manager Search

The plan is seeking bundled/platform passive management services for various portfolios.
