Passive Equity

Passive Equity
Midwest 529 Plan Moving Int’l Equity Portfolio To Passive Mgmt., Adds Firm

The college savings plan approved adding a passive international equity comingled fund to its portfolio at the expense of two actively managed funds to reduce risk and lower management costs.

Passive Equity
Northeast Pension Plan Approves Passive Large-Cap RFPs

The plan also named a new manager at a board meeting earlier this year.

Passive Equity
West Coast Pension Plan Approves Passive Int’l Equity Mgr. Search

The retirement association is looking to add a passive component to its international equity portfolio.

Passive Equity
Southern Pension Begins Custody, Passive Index Provider Search

The retirement system last conducted a similar search in 2010.

Passive Equity
Calif. Plan Retains Public Markets Passive Mgr. For OPEB Trust; Adds PE Commitment

CIO Jonathan Grabel recently rehired the trust’s public markets passive manager and the pension plan made a $270 million private equity commitment this week.

Passive Fixed-Income
Northeast Pension Launches Index, Transition Advisor RFQs

The pension plan is seeking passive index and transition advisory services as it readies a long-awaited transition out of a larger fund.

Passive Equity
Northeast Authority Pension Seeking Passive Index Mgrs.

The retirement system conducted a similar search in 2016 when it rehired its incumbent manager.

Passive Equity
Rocky Mountain 457 Plan Shakes Up Equity, FI Portfolios

The plan replaced both its passive equity and fixed-income mandates with Vanguard Group as well as its sustainable equity mandate with Neuberger Berman in February.

Passive Equity
Northeast Plan Launches Index Manager Search

The plan is looking to invest up to $175 million initially with the selected manager.

Passive Equity
Rocky Mountain 457 Plan Shakes Up Equity, FI Portfolios

The plan replaced both its passive equity and fixed-income mandates with Vanguard Group after receiving an annual share class review in February.
