A nonprofit in California has issued an RFQ seeking fixed-income managers to help manage four of its investment pools.
The plan has been anticipating conducting the search for an index fund provider since approving an RFP process in February.
Plan increased its equity allocation and reduced its fixed-income exposure through asset allocations changes approved last week.
Fund launched a search for passive equity and fixed-income providers this week.
Commission is searching for emerging market debt and passive index mangers on behalf of its pension fund and OPEB Trust.
A university based in the Midwest retained its investment consultant for its assets at a meeting last week.
Plan approved two new fixed-income investments as part of an overall portfolio transition.
A Midwestern pension plan will launch an RFP for passive management services in the coming weeks.
A Rocky Mountain pension plan liquidated a hedge fund-of-funds investment and moved the assets to existing global equity managers at a board meeting last week.
A Midwestern plan made several changes to its equity and fixed-income portfolios as part of its transition to a new long-term asset allocation policy.