Passive Fixed-Income

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Seeking Passive Equity, Bond Managers

The plan appears to be seeking its first passive investments in equities and bonds.

Industry News
Nonprofit News Special Report: 2021 Traditional Investments Outlook

Nonprofit investors are expecting positive but muted returns from the equity and bond markets in 2021 after their portfolios generated solid performance in a year that upended global financial markets and saw unprecedented volatility.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
East Coast Plan Taps New EME, Fixed-Income Mgrs.

An East Coast plan hired a new emerging markets equity manager as well as a passive fixed-income manager in August.

Passive Equity
Insurance Fund Seeking Passive Managers

The fund is looking for passive U.S. equity and fixed-income managers.

Northeast Plan Welcomes New Consultant; Cancels Outstanding Searches

A Northeastern pension plan has canceled its outstanding investment manager searches due to a new consultant hire.

Western Foundation Creates Public-Private Partnership For Utility System

A foundation based in a Western state will lease its steam plant and utility system as part of a public-private partnership and invest a sizeable portion of the deal’s proceeds.

Passive Equity
Federal Thrift Hires Second Index Provider

The Federal Thrift board has hired a second index provider for the first time.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan Launches U.S. Small-Cap Value, Passive Index Provider RFPs

A Northeastern pension plan has issued RFPs for domestic small-cap value equity managers as well as a passive index provider.

Florida Plan Makes Liquid Absolute Return Bond Hire

A general employees plan has hired a liquid absolute return fixed-income manager to handle $60 million.

Searches And Hires
West Coast 457 Issues Investment Manager RFP

A West Coast 457 plan has begun its search for multiple investment managers to handle its $4.4 billion investment options menu.
