Passive Fixed-Income

Daily Feed
Evergreen State Plan Makes Long-Term Bond Investment

A pension plan in the Evergreen State has added a new investment in the long-term fixed-income space.

Searches And Hires
New England Plan Issues Index Manager RFP

A pension fund in New England has begun a search for passive index managers to handle a total of $90 million in six strategies.

Searches And Hires
New England State Plan Posts Passive Fixed-Income RFP

A state plan in the Northeast issued its RFP seeking a passive short-term fixed-income manager today.

Passive Equity
Northeast State Plan Posts Passive Manager RFP

A state pension fund in the Northeast has posted its RFP seeking best in class passive managers.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Utility Plan Issues TIPS RFP

A public utility pension plan on the West Coast has issued its RFP seeking passive short-duration TIPS managers.

Searches And Hires
Large Northeast Plan To Issue Passive Manager RFP

A Northeast plan will conduct a search for passive investment managers.

Daily Feed
Florida Plan Wraps Up Search For Commingled Investment Options

The Florida Prepaid College Program selected nine investment managers to provide access to their commingled offerings to its prepaid program, savings program, ABLE program and foundation, according to an intent to award notice on its website.

Real Estate Alternatives Fixed-Income
LA Utility Plan Hires Unconstrained Global Equity Manager; Makes Private Commitments
The $17 billion Los Angeles Water & Power Employees Retirement Plan has hired Boston Partners as
Fixed-Income Passive Fixed-Income Inflation Protection
Mass. Plan Seeking Passive TIPS Manager
The $183 million Medford (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System has issued an RFP for a passive
Fixed-Income Equity ESG
Calif. Savings Hires ESG Option Provider
The $3 billion California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Investment Board hired Newton Investment