Passive Fixed-Income

Fixed-Income Passive Equity Passive Fixed-Income
Vermont Conducting Index Provider Search; Names New CIO
The $4.5 billion Vermont Pension Investment Committee is conducting a shortlist index provider
Real Estate Alternatives Fixed-Income
Indiana Selects Passive Investment Managers
The $34.4 billion Indiana Public Retirement System selected BlackRock, Northern Trust Asset
Fixed-Income Passive Fixed-Income
OBWC Makes Passive Bond Mgr. Hire
The $26.9 billion Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation hired a passive intermediate fixed-income
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income ESG
Calif. Savings Plan To Issue RFP For ESG Managers
The California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Investment Board is drafting an RFP for an ESG
Fixed-Income Deferred Compensation Passive Equity
Indiana DC Launches Target Date, Passive Fund Searches
The $1.2 billion Indiana Deferred Compensation Plan has launched its searches for target date funds
Fixed-Income Passive Equity Passive Fixed-Income
Indiana DC Slates Target Date, Passive Fund Searches
The $1.2 billion Indiana Deferred Compensation Plan will launch searches for target date funds as
Fixed-Income Passive Fixed-Income
OBWC Issues Passive Intermediate Gov't Bond RFP
The $27 billion Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has issued its RFP for passive intermediate
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Passive Equity
UPDATE: Mass. Plan Posts External Equity, Bond Mgr. RFPs
The $103.5 million Saugus (Mass.) Retirement Board has issued its RFPs for three domestic equity
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Passive Equity
Mass. Plan To Begin External Equity, Bond Mgr. Searches
The $103.5 million Saugus (Mass.) Retirement Board is searching for up to four domestic equity and