Passive Fixed-Income

Colo. Authority Issues OCIO RFP

The authority also hired a total of six new managers within its global equity and fixed-income portfolios as part of an asset allocation policy approved in February.

Passive Fixed-Income
Midwest Pension Launches Passive Fixed-Income Search

The plan recently voted to increase its target allocation to diversifying strategies.

Passive Equity
PBGC Issues Passive Index Manager Provider RFP

The plan is searching for index managers to handle $10.5 billion.

Passive Fixed-Income
Northeast Pension Hires Passive Fixed-Income Mgr.

There are no immediate plans to allocate funds to the manager but it will be an option for future use if needed.

Passive Fixed-Income
Great Plains Fund Moves Public Credit Portfolio To Passive Management

The fund approved consolidating its public credit portfolio into a passive U.S. aggregate bond index to improve operational efficiency, reduce fees and reduce active risk at its March board meeting.

Northeast Pension Assumes Assets; Awards Global Bond Mandates

The retirement system has hired four global multi-sector fixed-income and three passive equity managers in recent months.

New England Pension Issues Small-Cap, Index Provider RFPs

The plan is seeking managers to handle a total of $135 million.

Passive Fixed-Income
Great Plains Fund Considers Passive Bond Management

The fund will consider consolidating its public credit portfolio into a passive U.S. aggregate bond index to improve operational efficiency, reduce fees and reduce active risk at its board meeting this month.

Passive Fixed-Income
Calif. Pension Adds Passive Bond Manager

The plan recently trimmed its active roster by one to fund the new hire.

Passive Fixed-Income
West Coast Pension Nears Passive Bond Manager Hire

The plan’s consultant began a fixed-income structure review that trimmed its active roster.
