A Midwestern pension plan approved a new fixed-income portfolio structure today.
The plan will interview two finalists in its index provider search later this month.
Plan will see a firm for passive U.S. and non-U.S. equities, fixed-income and real assets investment management services.
The plan hired two passive investment managers at a board meeting last week following interviews.
The plan moved its four index funds with Vanguard Group to index funds with Fidelity Investments.
A Northwestern 457 deferred compensation plan terminated three investment managers to simplify its investment menu.
The plan is searching for index managers to handle $8.8 billion.
The plan agreed to advance RFPs for an illiquid credit emerging manager program and passive fixed-income manager.
The plan will put its $8.9 billion index funds and real estate consultant services out to bid.
The plan agreed to advance a general investment consultant RFP and retain its private equity advisor.