People Moves

People Moves
Clear Asset Management Hires CIO
Fred Fraenkel has been named cio of Clear Asset Management, the firm announced. Fraenkel, chairman
Industry News People Moves
FEG Hires 3 Members; Discusses Evolving Consultant Role
Fund Evaluation Group has named William Goslee, Greg Houser and David Mason as new members of its
People Moves
CU Foundation Appoints New Portfolio Manager
The approximately $1 billion University of Colorado Foundation named Caleb Sevian as its new
People Moves
Loomis Sayles Adds Institutional Marketer
Laurie Deaton has been named a senior salesperson in the institutional services group at Loomis,
People Moves
Yoder, Banerjee Leave Tuckerbrook
Jay Yoder, co-founder and portfolio manager for institutional asset management firm Tuckerbrook
People Moves
Morgan Stanley Developing Emerging Manager Program
Morgan Stanley Investment Management is working on developing an emerging manager program,
People Moves
Loomis Sayles Adds Institutional Marketer
Laurie Deaton has been named a senior salesperson in the institutional services group at Loomis,
People Moves Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
No Consultant RFP For Meriden; Finance Director Departs
The $250 million Meriden (Conn.) Municipal Employee Pension Board did not discuss whether to search
People Moves
Pioneer Adds To U.S. Portfolio Team
Anthony Koenig has been named to the new position of senior administrative officer in the U.S.
People Moves
Santa Barbara Seeking Executive Director
The $1.9 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association is searching for an