People Moves

People Moves
Epoch Beefs Up Investment Management Team
Epoch Investment Partners has beefed up its investment team with four new hires. The firm has named
People Moves
TCU Hires First CIO
The approximately $1 billion Texas Christian University endowment has hired Jim Hille as cio. It is
People Moves
Belt Resigns From PBGC
Bradley Belt, executive director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., announced his resignation
People Moves
Chicago Firm Hires Head of Inst'l Sales & Marketing
Kevin Sheehan was named head of institutional sales and marketing at Ocean Tomo‘s asset management
People Moves
BNY Asset Management Names Head Of Equity, Fixed-Income
Margo Cook was promoted to executive v.p. at BNY Asset Management, the Bank of New York announced
People Moves
New Institutional Firm Hires Sales Head
Alpine Woods Capital Investors, a newly created institutional asset management unit of Alpine
People Moves
American Century Hires International Equity CIO
Enrique Chang was has been named senior v.p. and cio of international equity at American Century
People Moves
Citigroups Alts. Head Bolts, Firm May Invest In New Venture
Michael Carpenter, chairman and chief executive officer of Citigroup Alternative Investments, is
People Moves
T. Rowe Price Announces Management Transition
George Roche, chairman and president of T. Rowe Price Group, will retire during the fourth quarter,
People Moves
IXIS Names U.S. Distribution Head
Matthew Witkos was named executive v.p. for U.S. distribution at IXIS Asset Management. He will be