She will oversee global brand and marketing strategy and execution.
The new president will retain previous responsibilities as head of ESG.
The investment director is leaving on July 29 to join the defined benefit plan as its next cio.
The institution elected nine full-term members and three life members to its board of trustees.
The college hired a new v.p. for administration and finance and cfo at the end of June as its previous finance head was set to retire.
The college hired a v.p. of finance and cfo to oversee its finances and endowment last month following a search from the first quarter.
The firm hired a portfolio manager to support the expansion of its sustainable multi-asset offering.
The plan found its new executive director from within to replace Ronda Stegmann, who retires next year.
The board terminated three managers to “harmonize” the equity portfolios between its plans.
She will lead the firm’s real estate efforts.