Private Equity

Midwest Plan Makes Private Commitments

The plan committed a total of $50 million to two funds for pacing purposes.

Southeast Plan Discloses Private Commitments

The plan disclosed several private equity commitments and one to private debt at a board meeting today.

Former Southern Endowment Investors Launch Private Markets Firm

Three senior investment professionals have spun out of a Southern endowment to create a new private markets platform supporting new and developing investment managers.

Searches And Hires
West Coast University Eyes Billions To Private Equity In 2021

A university based on the West Coast is looking to commit $3 billion to private equity across its portfolios in 2021 as it looks to reach its target allocations to the asset class in the next five years.

Private Equity
Southern Fund To Receive Education On Potential Maiden Asset Classes

A fund based in the South will receive educations on two potential new asset classes at its next board meeting in the second quarter from its general investment consultant.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University Increases U.S. Equity Allocation; Adds PE, Absolute Return Investments

A university in the South increased its domestic equity target last year at the expense of its international equity, absolute return and long/short allocations.

People Moves
TA Associates Adds North America Services V.P.

He will serve as a member of the firm’s North America services group and is based in Menlo Park, Calif.

Private Equity
Southwest Plan Adds PE, Direct Lending Commitments

A Southwestern plan has added $170 million in private equity and direct lending commitments, according to its website.

Texas Plans Slates Alternatives Commitments

Plans investment committee will review three proposed alternatives commitments this week.

Private Equity
New England Plan Posts Private Equity RFP

The plan hired launched a private equity manager search and wrapped up another in real estate.
