An Eastern pension plan disclosed new investment commitments at this month’s meeting.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan added multiple credit and private equity commitments in recent weeks.
A Pacific Northwest plan has hired two managers for its inaugural risk parity portfolio.
A Southeastern pension plan disclosed new private equity and credit commitments at today’s board meeting.
A Midwestern employees pension plan approved an RFP for private infrastructure fund managers last week.
Two nonprofits have committed to a diverse venture capital fund-of-funds manager that recently closed on a $42.5 million fund.
A Northeastern university approved private equity commitments and hedge fund manager redemptions at its October investment meeting.
A New England pension plan approved maiden allocations to equity options and emerging market debt at a meeting today.
A Midwestern university formed an endowment to help manage the proceeds of a public-private utility partnership transaction at its board meeting this month.
A Great Lakes pension plan hired a pair of domestic core bond managers last month.