A Northeastern pension plan approved its first private equity investment in September.
A California pension plan added a pair of private equity commitments and will review responses in its ongoing search for domestic small-cap equity emerging managers.
A mid-Atlantic pension fund has made private equity commitments as part of its annual pacing plan.
A pension fund in the Southwest disclosed three private markets commitments and one manager termination within its long-only portfolio.
A Mid-Atlantic state pension plan added a pair of alternatives commitments last month.
A Texas-based university will consider investing in a hedge fund manager and committing to a private equity fund.
A Michigan-based pension plan has shifted an active mid-cap growth mandate to a passive vehicle.
A Western pension plan is slated to approve new asset allocation ranges at its board meeting next week.
A Southwestern pension plan added a pair of commitments within its diversifying assets portfolio.
A New England pension plan hired two private equity managers at a meeting today.