Private Equity

Searches And Hires
Hoosier Health System Starts New Asset Class Allocation, Hiring Investment Staff

An Indiana university-affiliated health system has added new asset class allocation and is hiring an investment staffer.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University System Slowly Transitioning To New Target Asset Allocation

A Southern university system is slowly transitioning its endowment to a new target asset allocation approved in the second quarter.

Alternatives Private Equity
Southwestern System Makes Private Equity Commitment

A Southwestern education system made a private equity commitment at its recent board meeting.

Searches And Hires
East Coast University Eyes New Asset Class

A university on the East Coast is interested in investing in a new asset class.

Alternatives Credit/Private Debt Private Equity
New England Plan Selects ESG Consultant; Makes Commitments

A New England pension plan made a hire in its search for an ESG consultant today.

Searches And Hires
Northeast Plan To Issue PE Consultant RFP; Nears Short-Term Bond Hire

A pension fund in the Northeast is gearing up to issue a private equity consultant RFP.

Midwest Plan Hires Credit Managers

A Midwestern pension plan made a pair of credit manager hires at this week’s meeting.

West Coast Plan Approves Private Markets Implementation Plan

A West Coast county plan approves private markets implementation plan.

Private Equity
Southwest Plan Bolsters Private Equity Portfolio

A Southwestern pension plan has added a pair of follow-on private equity commitments.

Midwest Plan Discloses Private Market Commitments

A Midwestern pension plan disclosed new private commitments made this week.
