A Midwest pension fund has issued an RFP seeking private equity fund managers
A Southern pension plan has completed a search for international growth equity managers.
A Texas-based university will consider full redemptions from a hedged equity and real assets manager today.
A Tennessee-based university has begun a search for a private markets investment manager to add to staff.
A Mass. pension fund has selected three firms in its secondary private equity manager search.
A health care trust on the West Coast will receive a new asset allocation recommendation with maiden allocations to private equity, real estate, global macro, TIPS and government bonds.
A state fund in the Western U.S. altered its portfolio alongside changes to its investment manager rooster during a recent board meeting.
A Mid-Atlantic state retirement system has disclosed alternatives commitments and manager hires and terminations from recent months.
A Western pension plan terminated a high-yield fixed-income manager last quarter and added several private commitments.
Outsourced cio Hirtle Callaghan hired a director of private equity on Aug. 12, a firm spokeswoman said, in an e-mail.