A Northeast pension plan approved up to $1 billion in new commitments at a meeting last week.
A West Coast plan will review criteria and a timeline in an expected shortlist search for domestic large-cap value equity managers next week.
A Maryland-based foundation recently appointed a new trustee that serves as a founding partner at a private equity fund that specializes in renewable energy power generation,
A Midwest state teachers plan made and liquidated several investments this week.
A pension plan in the Southeast disclosed a slew of new private commitments.
A state employees’ pension fund in the Northeast disclosed more than $1.1 billion in new commitments.
A large county pension fund on the West Coast disclosed recent investment transaction and hedge fund terminations.
A Pennsylvania pension plan approved new commitments at a board meeting yesterday.
A Northeastern-based university recently approved a venture capital fund-of-funds commitment within its endowment.
A plan in the Northeast added a private equity commitment at a board meeting today.