Private Equity

Private Equity
Virginia Pension Plan Adds PE Commitments

The retirement system made two private equity commitments with existing manager relationships earlier this month.

Industry News
B Capital Closes Opportunities Fund II At $750 Million

The venture fund focuses on later-stage growth investments in top performing companies across technology, healthcare and climate tech.

Asset Study/Review
CalPERS Increases Private Equity, Debt Targets

The plan will see its overall private markets target increase to 40% from 33%.

People Moves
Southern Foundation Private Equity Managing Partner As Board Chair

The firm elected the managing partner of a private equity firm as the new chair of its board of trustees in early March.

Venture Capital
Investors Must Have Strong Sourcing, Steadily Commit To Early-Stage VC For Outsized Returns: Whitepaper

Institutions should not time the private markets or sit out tough years in venture capital as they will miss out on opportunities for attractive, long-term returns, according to a recent whitepaper, which finds that institutions benefit from well-constructed early-stage venture capital programs that have differentiated access, strong sourcing and due diligence processes to navigate a complex market with a challenging exit environment.

Va. Pension Plan Eyes FI Mgr. Hire; Selects Executive Director

The pension plan will review its domestic core fixed-income manager search at an April 26 board meeting and selected a new executive director last month.

Private Equity
Southeast Pension Bolsters Private Equity Portfolio

The retirement system made up to $250 million in private equity commitments among new and existing relationships.

Venture Capital
Great Plains Fund Adds VC Commitments

The approved venture capital commitments to two new investment managers within its portfolio at its February board meeting as it finds artificial intelligence is creating opportunities for the next wave of innovations.

Private Equity
Northeast University Senior Investment Officer Departs To Launch Own Firm

The senior investment officer, which was responsible for portfolio construction and manager selection for the institution’s private equity assets, has left to launch his own private equity firm.

Selective Large-Cap Equity, Venture Exposures Key To Capturing Real AI-Generated Returns: Report

Market enthusiasm generated by the rapid development of new artificial intelligence products has may signal innovation and growth in the long term, though some of that enthusiasm may have led the markets to overvalue some public equity stocks or venture funds in the short-term, according to an outsourced cio.
