The plan also expects to issue a general investment consultant RFI this year.
The plan disclosed two new private equity commitments made since its last board meeting.
The commitment goes to a fund that will make local investments.
The university approved a venture capital commitment with a firm founded in 2023 at its February board meeting.
The firm has promoted five team members, including two to managing director, as they have contributed to accelerating the firm’s momentum in the space.
The pension plan’s cio recently approved three private equity commitments.
The plan will issue an RFP later this year due to standard state procurement laws and has also tabbed several private markets searches.
The plan scheduled its annual commitments for private equity, private debt, real assets and real estate.
The pension plan disclosed two buyout commitments at yesterday’s board meeting.
The system approved a growth private equity commitment with an existing manager within its endowment at its Feb. 1 board meeting.