The system will consider making a growth private equity commitment at its Feb. 1 board meeting this month.
The system is searching for a director to help oversee and manage its portfolio with a focus on private equity.
The fund approved private equity and private credit commitments with existing managers as recommended by its general investment consultant last week, with more recommendations expected in the coming months.
Fund was oversubscribed and closed above its initial hard cap of $6 billion.
The plan is expected to issue a private equity manager RFP in the next few months.
The commitments include four new managers for the plan.
The Lone Star pension system added a pair of private equity commitments totaling $45 million in recent months.
The six commitments represent new relationships for the pension plan.
The plan will seek full board approval for two private markets commitments next month.
The pension plan approved four commitments totaling $110 million and 2024 real estate and real assets pacing plans yesterday.