Private Equity

Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Colorado Fire & Police Makes Commitments; Terminates PIMCO
The $4 billion Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado has made two global macro commitments,
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Illinois Muni. Readies RFP for UK/European Private Equity
The $33.7 billion Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund will issue an RFP for U.K.- and/or
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
NYC To Conduct Searches For Developing Managers, TIPS, Infrastructure Consultant
The $150 billion New York City Retirement Systems will begin searches for U.S. equity and
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Louisiana Firefighters Eyes Buyout Growth Private Equity Search; Eliminates Hedge Fund Target
The $1.3 billion Firefighters’ Retirement System of Louisiana will conduct a search for growth
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Rhode Island Approves Alts. Commitments, Redemption
The $8 billion Employees Retirement System of Rhode Island made three alternative commitments and
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Philadelphia Plan Makes Alternative Commitments
The $4.5 billion Philadelphia Public Employees Retirement System made two private commitments at a
Alternatives Private Equity
Houston Municipal Adds Alternatives Commitments
The $2.4 billion Houston Municipal Employees Retirement System approved a pair of alternatives
Alternatives Private Equity
Oklahoma Regents Seek PE Commitment Approval
The Oklahoma State Regents For Higher Education will seek approval of a new private equity
Alternatives Private Equity
Mass. Foundation Makes Private Equity Commitment
The Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation approved a commitment to private equity
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Atlanta Fire To Issue Consultant RFP; Police Plan To Follow
The $627 million Atlanta Firefighters Pension Plan will issue an RFP for general investment