Private Equity

Real Estate Private Equity
Boston Concludes Private Equity Search
The $3.7 billion Boston City Retirement System selected two private equity firms at a board meeting
Alternatives Private Equity
Canadian Finance Department Creates Venture Capital FoFs
The Canadian Department of Finance has created a private sector-led venture capital fund-of-funds
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
MassPRIM Sets 2014 Investment/Search Activity
The $57.9 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board has set 2014
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Oklahoma Makes Secondary Private Investments
The $2 billion Oklahoma Firefighters Pension & Retirement System made four private commitments at a
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Kansas Adds Alts. Commitments
The $15 billion Kansas Public Employees Retirement System approved a pair of alternatives
Hedge Funds Fixed-Income Private Equity
Ohio Public Employees Adjusts Asset Allocation; Makes PE, HF Commitments
The $73.2 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System has approved an adjusted asset allocation
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Arizona Public Safety Makes Alts. Commitments
The $7.7 billion Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System made a total of $205 million in
Industry News Domestic Equity Alternatives
Purdue Adds Investment Managers
Purdue University added four new investment managers to its approximately $2.18 billion
Domestic Equity Real Estate Private Equity
New Orleans Seeking Large-Cap Core Manager
The $356 million City of New Orleans Employees’ Retirement System is searching for a domestic
Private Equity
Worcester Seeking Venture Capital Funds
The $731 million Worcester (Mass.) Retirement System has issued an RFP for venture capital