Private Equity

Alternatives Private Equity
Hampshire County Seeking Private Debt Mgr.
The $195 million Hampshire County (Mass.) Retirement System today issued an RFP for a private
Alternatives Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
San Jose Police & Fire Makes Asset Allocation Changes; Sets PE Commitment Schedule
The $2.75 billion San Jose (Calif.) Police & Fire Retirement Plan approved a new asset allocation
Real Assets Private Equity
Maryland Plan Hires Real Assets Mgr.; Interviews For PE
The $653 million Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission hired State Street Global
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
New Jersey Makes Alternative Commitments
The $69.9 billion New Jersey Division of Investment‘s State Investment Council approved more than
Alternatives Private Equity
New York Common Makes PE Commitments
The $150 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund made a pair of private equity commitments in
Alternatives Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Drexel Eyeing Fixed-Income; Makes Real Assets Commitment
The Drexel University endowment is looking to add high-yield and short-duration fixed-income to its
Alternatives Private Equity
Ohio Schools Makes Private Equity Commitment
The $10.6 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System approved a private equity investment this
Domestic Equity Real Estate Equity
Plymouth To Issue Large-Cap Value RFP
The $660 million Plymouth County (Mass.) Retirement Association will issue an RFP for a domestic
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Virginia Plan Issues Private Investment Consultant RFP
The $1.5 billion Arlington County (Va.) Employees Retirement System is searching for an investment
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Private Equity
New Hampshire To Approve New Asset Allocation, Rehire NEPC
The $5.5 billion New Hampshire Retirement System has approved a new asset allocation that increases