Private Equity

Alternatives Private Equity
Massachusetts College Plans Further PE Commitments
The $241 million Babson College endowment investment committee plans on making further
Alternatives Private Equity
OPIC Commits to TPG
The approximately $7 billion Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) approved $175 million
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Mass. Plan Cancels PE, Infrastructure Searches
The $742 million Worcester (Mass.) Retirement System cancelled its RFIs for private equity
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Real Assets
NM Education Makes Alts. Commits; Delays Asset Allocation Decision
The $9.6 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board made three alternative
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Private Equity
LACERA Hires Enhanced Cash Manager
The $38.9 billion Los Angeles County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association hired J.P
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Equity
Arizona Creates Emerging Market, Private Debt Allocations
The $27.8 billion Arizona State Retirement System has added target allocations to emerging markets
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Colorado Fire & Police Makes PE, HF Hires
The $3.2 billion Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado made three private equity
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Equity
New Hampshire Considering New Asset Classes
The $5.4 billion New Hampshire Retirement System is considering investment strategies such as
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Nevada System Seeking Hedge FoF; Receives Asset Allocation Recommendations
The Nevada System of Higher Education is seeking absolute return hedge fund-of-funds
Alternatives Private Equity
Utah Commits To Venture Fund
The $552 million University of Utah endowment approved a commitment to venture capital