Private Equity

West Coast University Wraps Up Climate Consultant Search; Makes RE, HF Investments

The institution selected a climate reporting consultant following a search from February and added hedge fund and real estate investments with existing managers during the first quarter.

Private Equity
Illinois Pension Plan Seeking Private Equity Mgrs.

The plan is seeking primary funds and fund-of-funds structures across buyout, growth equity and secondaries strategies as well as co-investments.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Illinois Pension Slates International Equity RFP

The plan will issue an RFP for ACWI ex-U.S. managers in the coming weeks.

Private Equity
Northeast Pension Plan Not Moving Forward With PE Commitment

The plan confirmed it is “not moving forward” with its up to $130 million commitment to Insight Partners Fund XIII and related investment vehicles that was approved at a June 9 board meeting.

Venture Capital
Canadian University Makes VC Commitment Out Of Incubator

The university recently committed to a venture capital fund launched by the team behind its startup incubator.

Church Pension Hires Core FI Manager, Adds Alternative Commitments

The church pension hired a new core fixed-income manager in addition to investments and co-investments in private equity and real estate in June.

Private Equity
Texas Pension Adds Private Equity Commitment

Plan finalized a $40 million private equity commitment late last week.

Asset Study/Review
Great Plains Fund To Consider New A/A; VC Commitment

The fund will hold a first reading of proposed changes to its investment policy statement and strategic asset allocation, including increased allocations to fixed-income and hedge funds, at its June 29 board meeting.

Southern Teachers Pension Discloses Private Markets Commitments

The plan committed to new funds by exiting managers at a meeting last week.

Southern University Makes PE Commitments, HF Redemptions

The university added three private equity managers and redeemed from two hedge fund managers in the first half of 2023 in accordance with a new investment policy approved in late 2022.
