Private Equity

Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Tallahassee To Discuss Asset Allocation
The approximately $1 billion City of Tallahassee (Fla.) Pension Plan is currently discussing
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Arkansas Teachers Makes Real Estate, PE Commitments
The $10 billion Arkansas State Teachers Retirement System made $190 million in commitments
Alternatives Private Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
Texas Employees Issues Private Equity Emerging Manager MoM RFQ
The $22 billion Employees Retirement System of Texas has issued an RFQ for emerging
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Oregon Fund May Seek Absolute Return, P.E.
The $26 million Oregon Shakespeare Festival endowment may seek investment managers for
Alternatives Private Equity
Chicago Muni. Seeking Secondary Private Equity FoFs
The $5 billion Municipal Employees Annuity & Benefit Fund of Chicago approved searching
Alternatives Private Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Illinois Teachers Issues Private Equity Consultant RFP
The $32.1 billion Teachers Retirement System of the State of Illinois has issued its RFP for a
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Oklahoma Turning Attention Towards Non-Marketable Alts. Portfolio
The $550 million University of Oklahoma Foundation is discussing investments in its non-marketable
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
CUNY Discusses Non-Marketable Alts., Equity
The $138 million City University of New York endowment will address the remainder of its
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Ohio School Employees Increases Hedge Fund Target, Makes Alts. Commitments
The $9.175 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System has increased its target
Domestic Equity Alternatives Private Equity
Baltimore County Liquidating Lynmar Portfolio; Makes PE Commitments
The $2 billion Baltimore County (Md.) Employees Pension System will liquidate an $18