Private Equity

Alternatives Fixed-Income Private Equity
Connecticut Watching Goodwin; Nearing PE Consultant Hire
The $20 billion State of Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds placed core
Industry News Alternatives Private Equity
San Francisco Picks EFL Associates
The $11 billion San Francisco City & County Employees Retirement System has selected
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Chicago Municipal Hires LM Capital
The $4.3 billion Municipal Employees Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago has hired LM
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
New Mexico Educational Fund Suspends Aldus Equity
The $6.6 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board suspended the contract of
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Maine To Begin Hunt For Private Equity
The $7 billion Maine State Retirement System will begin searching for private equity
Alternatives Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
MassPRIM Hires Ennis Knupp; Terminates GMO
The $34.2 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board today hired
Alternatives Private Equity
Wisconsin Makes Commitments
The $60 billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board made private commitments of $285
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
Oklahoma Teachers Terminates Aletheia, Monitoring Aldus; Eyes Global Fixed-Income, Real Estate
The $6.3 billion Teachers Retirement System of Oklahoma has terminated large-cap growth
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Va. Plan To Seek Timber; Makes Private Equity FoF Hire
The $98 million Alexandria (Va.) Police & Fire Retirement System will search for timber
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Texas Fund Approves R.E. Policy
The approximately $17 billion Texas Permanent School Fund approved a new real estate investment