Private Equity

Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Chattanooga Interested In Hedge Funds, Venture Capital
The $183 million City of Chattanooga (Tenn.) General Pension Plan received educations in hedge
Domestic Equity Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Mass. Fund To Study Assets; Delays Large-Cap Core Hire
The $171 million Taunton (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System will conduct an asset allocation
Hedge Funds Private Equity
Drake Looks For Real Assets, Hedge Funds, Private Equity
The $153 million Drake University is looking to add real assets, hedge funds and private equity to
Alternatives Fixed-Income Private Equity
Arkansas To Seek Activist Managers
The $11.5 billion Arkansas Teacher Retirement System will search for up to two activist managers to
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Tennessee Considering Real Estate, Private Equity
The $33 billion Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System is considering an additional investment of
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Luzerne County Eyes 10% Alternatives Allocation
The $214 million Luzerne County (Pa.) Employees Retirement System may invest up to 10% in
Alternatives Private Equity Emerging/Diverse Managers
New York State Issues Private Equity FoF RFP
The $154.5 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund has issued an RFP for private equity
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
New Mexico Council To Seek Hedge FoFs
The $16 billion New Mexico State Investment Council will search for hedge fund-of-funds to manage
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Arkansas Teachers To Invest 15% In Alternatives
The $11.5 billion Arkansas Teachers Retirement System recently increased its allocation to private
Alternatives Private Equity
Historical Society Searches For Private Equity
The $120 million Indiana Historical Society is searching for private equity and private equity