The plan added a follow-on private equity commitment to a middle market buyout manager.
The plan made private equity and real estate commitments with two new managers and five existing managers in March.
Most endowments are increasing risk and turning a blind eye to human rights violations and abuses related to labor, privacy.
The endowment added growth equity, buyout and natural resources commitments in March.
The university approved fully liquidating a hedge fund manager and committing to a private equity strategy within its endowment in the first quarter.
Newly enhanced requirements affect large hedge fund and private equity advisors.
The manager will handle a new 3% long Treasury target allocation.
The plan added two core-plus fixed-income managers to the portfolio and made 11 alternatives commitments in the first quarter.
The plan made follow-on commitments totaling $925 million.
The plan hired a firm to handle its maiden commodities allocation and committed to an existing private equity manager yesterday.