The plan is looking to commit $10 million to the asset class for pacing purposes.
The firm, which seeks to lead investments in early-stage software companies at seed and series A stages, has raised more than $350 million for its inaugural fund, including a commitment from at least one large endowment.
The NAACP has launched a fund-of-funds to invest in fund managers and startups that are focused on closing gaps facing communities of color.
The commitments include two new relationships for the council.
The plan hired an emerging manager consultant this summer.
The plan will receive presentations from a credit manager and a farmland manager in the coming months.
The retirement system added a trio of domestic core-plus fixed-income investments at last week’s board meeting.
The plan adopted a new target to private equity earlier this year.
The retirement system authorized its cio to terminate several public markets investments last month.
The pension fund also added several private markets commitments in recent months.