Private Equity

Industry News
Apogem Capital Closes Sixth Secondary Fund

The fund will employ a mix of complex and traditional growth, buyout and turnaround investments in the North American middle market.

Industry News
Arsenal Capital Partners Closes Buyout, Growth Funds

The funds will focus on investments in industrials and healthcare businesses.

People Moves
PSG Hires MD From OTPP

He will aim to bolster the firm’s Canadian deal flow pipeline.

Private Equity
New York City Seeks PE Secondary Advisor

The city is looking for a firm to advise on sell-side and buy-side activity of limited partnership interests.

Absolute Return
West Coast Discloses Absolute Return Redemption, Private Commitments

The plan redeemed an absolute return investment and disclosed five private markets commitment.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Calif. Plan Selects Emerging Illiquid Credit FoF & OPEB Private Markets Mgrs.

The plan concluded two manager searches this week.

Nonprofits Eyeing Larger Pvt. Market Portfolios For Return Boost: Survey

Investors are planning to increase their allocations to private markets to capture higher returns with the help of external partners like outsourced cios.

Private Equity
West Coast Plan Approves PE Search

The search follows the plan rescinding a January commitment to a blockchain-focused fund.

Private Equity
Western State Fund Adds New Private Equity Mgr.

The fund made a venture capital commitment to a new manager as it is to find improved valuations in the venture space.

New York Plan Receives Private Equity/Credit Pacing Plan

The plan will commit up to $3.4 billion to the two asset classes.
