Derrick Dagnan joined the $2.8 billion Fort Worth (Texas) Employees’ Retirement Fund in 2020 following a tenure at the $70.6 billion Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System that included his last role as deputy cio. He took the time to answer 5 Questions with FIN News.
Sriram Lakshminarayanan was appointed cio of the $40.8 billion Iowa Public Employees Retirement System in January after serving as the plan’s chief risk officer since 2014. He took the time to answer 5 questions with FIN News.
Ted Wright joined the State of Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds as its cio in August from the Los Angeles County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association. He took the time to answer 5 questions with FIN News.
Kernaghan is senior director of investments at the Chicago Community Trust, leading its impact investments program of donor-advised funds. She took the time to answer 5 questions with FIN News.
Mitchell Green is the portfolio officer for the recently funded $7 billion Illinois Firefighters’ Pension Investment Fund. He took the time to answer 5 questions with FIN News.
Geoffrey Berg has served as cio of the roughly $40 billion South Carolina Retirement System Investment Commission since 2016, taking over the role previously held by Hershel Harper Jr.
Anson has full fiduciary, executive and investment authority for the firm, which was founded in 1971 as an independent asset management firm with a grant from the Ford Foundation.