Real Assets

Alternatives Real Assets Credit/Private Debt
New Mexico Makes Private Commitments
The $14.8 billion New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association made two private commitments
Real Assets
Anonymous Nordic Firm Seeking Infrastructure Manager
An anonymous Nordic asset manager is searching for global infrastructure funds for a potential
Real Estate Real Assets Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
California Plan Approves Inflation Strategies Search
The $2.7 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System has approved an
Real Assets
Mass. Plan Makes Infrastructure Investment
The $142 million Town of Norwood (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System has hired infrastructure
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Houston To Review HF Redemption Proceeds This Summer
The University of Houston System will review where to reinvest proceeds from two hedge fund
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Butler Considers Private Capital Opportunities
Butler University continues to seek out investment opportunities in the private capital space for
Real Estate Real Assets
Texas Land Office Approves RE, RA Commitments
The Texas General Land Office approved real estate and private real assets commitments for its
Domestic Equity Alternatives Real Assets
Louisiana CF Adds MLP And Private Equity Investments
The Community Foundation of North Louisiana added two new Master Limited Partnerships managers to
Alternatives Real Assets Credit/Private Debt
Santa Barbara County Revamps Real Return Portfolio
The $2.7 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System terminated several
Fixed-Income Real Assets
Illinois Muni Bolsters Core FI, Infrastructure Portfolios
The $37.6 billion Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund approved $1.25 billion in new investments at