Real Assets

Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Rotary Eyes PE, FI Review; Makes Int'l Equity Change
Rotary International may discuss further private equity commitments and its fixed-income structure
Surveys/Studies Real Assets
Update: UK To Establish MLP Allocation Under New Policy
The $1.2 billion University of Kentucky endowment plans to make a maiden allocation to Master
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Real Assets
Mass. Plan Makes Index Provider Hire
The $196 million Westfield (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System rehired index provider State
Alternatives Real Assets Credit/Private Debt
Arizona Hires Firms For Private Equity Consulting Services
The $34 billion Arizona State Retirement System hired seven firms to various private equity
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Real Assets
Ohio Plan Adds Alts. Commitments; To Begin AA Study
The $12.7 billion School Employees Retirement System of Ohio committed to two private equity funds
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Washington Makes Real Assets, PE Commitments
The $108.5 billion Washington State Investment Board approved $400 million in new alternatives
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Kentucky Eyes AA Changes; New Mgr. Search Policy
The approximately $1.21 billion University of Kentucky endowment discussed changes to its
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
Michigan Slates Absolute Return, NR Investments
The University of Michigan is seeking approval for absolute return and natural resources
Real Estate Real Assets
Texas Land Office Approves Real Estate Commitment
The Texas General Land Office approved a real estate commitment and a real assets co-investment for
Fixed-Income Real Assets
NM Deferred Comp. To Add Fixed-Income Funds
The $501 million New Mexico Deferred Compensation Plan approved adding two fixed-income funds at