Real Assets

Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Manchester Plan To Discuss Energy, Real Estate
The $205 million Manchester (N.H.) Employees’ Contributory Retirement System will discuss new
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
LACERA Considers 5% Alternatives Target
The $48.4 billion Los Angeles County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association considered a new
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
St. Louis Police Shakes Up Portfolio With Manager Hires
The $694 million Police Retirement System of St. Louis has approved several investment manager
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Temple Conducting Asset Study; Hires IR&M For Pension
The $350 million Temple University endowment is currently conducting an asset study, V.P., CFO and
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Endowment Adds Managers
The $3.7 billion Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company endowment made several commitments in
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Real Assets
Texas Foundation Adds Domestic Equity and Real Assets Mgrs.
The Waco Foundation added domestic equity and real assets managers to its approximately $71 million
Real Assets
Vermont Conducting Invitation-Only Commodities Search
The $4 billion Vermont Pension Investment Committee is conducting an invitation-only search for
Domestic Equity Real Estate Fixed-Income
Update: MetroHealth To Seek Mgrs. After Consultant Hire
The MetroHealth System will look to add domestic and international equity and diversify its
Domestic Equity Real Assets Non-U.S. & Global Equity
El Paso County Adds Passive Int'l Equity Allocation
The $331 million El Paso County (Colo.) Retirement Plan has approved a new passive international
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Real Assets
Jacksonville P&F To Discuss Implementation of New Asset Allocation
The $1.7 billion Jacksonville (Fla.) Police & Fire Pension Fund will receive a report from general