Real Assets

Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
PennSERS To Issue Real Assets Consultant RFI
The $27 billion Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System approved an RFI for a real assets
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Kansas Approves 2015 Currency Overlay RFP
The $16.4 billion Kansas Public Employees Retirement System approved an active currency overlay
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
New Mexico PERA Eyes HF Redemptions; To Discuss Int'l Equity Structure
The $14.5 billion New Mexico Public Employees Retirement System‘s investment committee will
Alternatives Equity Real Assets
Mass. Plan Seeking Energy PE Manager
The $790 million Norfolk County (Mass.) Retirement System has issued an RFP for an energy private
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
Nebraska Plan Seeking VC Firms; Makes HFoF, PE Hires
The $208 million Lincoln (Neb.) Firemen and Policemen’s Retirement System is searching for a
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
San Fran Discloses Private Commitments; Narrows Consultant Search
The $20 billion San Francisco City & County Employees Retirement System closed on $385 million in
Real Assets
Mass. County Plan Seeking Infrastructure Mgrs.
The $575 million Bristol County (Mass.) Retirement System is searching for infrastructure managers
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Equity
Michigan Muni. Eyes Dedicated Asia & Developed European Equity Strategies, Pan Asian Bonds
The $9.2 billion Municipal Employees Retirement System of Michigan is actively researching
Domestic Equity Alternatives Fixed-Income
FAU Approves New Asset Allocation; Hires Mgrs.
The Florida Atlantic University Foundation approved a new asset allocation for its approximately
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Rhode Island Makes Alts. Commitments
The $8 billion Employees Retirement System of Rhode Island made $270 million in private commitments