Real Assets

Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Lubbock Eyes Future Alternatives Options
The $189 million Lubbock (Texas) Firemen’s Relief & Retirement Plan has asked its general
Alternatives Fixed-Income Real Assets
San Diego City Reduces PIMCO Mandate; Combines PE, Infrastructure Allocations
The $6.8 billion San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System approved reducing its fixed-income
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Maine Makes Private Commitments
The $12.7 billion Maine Public Employees Retirement System made three private commitments totaling
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Real Assets
Arlington County Mulls Active MLP Investment
The $1.9 billion Arlington County (Va.) Employees’ Retirement System was scheduled to hear a
Fixed-Income Real Assets
Conn. Plan Makes Fixed-Income Hires
The $28 million Town of Stonington (Conn.) Pension Plan hired three investment managers to replace
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
USNH Revises Target Asset Allocations
The University System of New Hampshire increased its allocations to global equities and flexible
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
Rotary Lays Out HF Targets; Makes Private Commitments
The Rotary Foundation has determined its underlying hedge funds targets for its new direct program
Alternatives Fixed-Income Equity
Methodist Fund Adds Managers To Investment Pools
The $28.7 billion General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of The United Methodist Church
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Real Assets
Vermont Begins Large-Cap Manager Search
The $3.9 billion Vermont Pension Investment Committee approved a domestic large-cap equity manager
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Illinois SURS Eyes Hedged Strategies RFP; Terminates Int'l Equity Manager
The $16.9 billion State Universities Retirement System of Illinois is anticipating bringing a